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The Fetch-Execute Cycle, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit, Registers
Von Neumann Architecture, Memory Address Register, Memory Data Register, Program Counter
Von Neumann
CPU Clock Speed, Cache Size, Number of CPU Cores
CPU Characteristics
Primary Memory, RAM, ROM, Virtual Memory, Cache
Optical Storage, Magnetic Storage, Solid State Storage, Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Different Storage Devices and Media
Secondary Storage
Data Representation
Units of Data Storage (Comparisons of Bit Nibble Byte Kilobyte Megabyte Gigabyte Terabyte Petabyte), Why Binary in used Computer Systems
Binary Units
Converting Positive Denary Integers to Binary (up to 8 bits), Adding two Positive Binary Integers (up to 8 bits), Overflow Errors
Binary Numbers
Converting Positive Denary Integers to 2 Digit Hexadecimal (and vice versa), Converting Positive Binary Integers (up to 8 bits) to 2 Digit Hexadecimal (and vice versa), Binary Shifts
Hexadecimal Numbers
The Use of Binary Codes to Represent Characters, Understanding of the term "Character Set", The Relationship Between the Number of Bits Per Character and the Number of Characters that can be Represented (e.g. ASCII and Unicode)
How Images are Represented as a Series of Pixels Represented in Binary, Image Metadata, The Effect of Colour Depth and Resolution on The Quality of the Image and The size of an image file
How sound can be sampled and stored in digital form, The effect of sample rate, duration and bit depth on The playback quality and The size of a sound file
The Need for Compression, Understanding of Lossy and Lossless Compression
Understanding what a Local Area Network is, Factors that affect the performance of networks, client-server and a peer-to-peer networks, The hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a Local Area Network (including: Wireless access points Routers Switches NIC (Network Interface Controller/Card) Transmission media), Star and Mesh network topologies
Understanding what a Wide Area Network is, The Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks, DNS (Domain Name Server), Hosting, The Cloud,Web servers and clients
Modes of connection (Wired (Ethernet) and Wireless (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth), Encryption, IP addressing and MAC addressing, Network Standards, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure), FTP (File Transfer Protocol), POP (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), Layers of a Network
Internet & Protocols
Malware, Social engineering, Brute-force attacks, Denial of service attacks,Data interception and theft, The concept of SQL injection, Penetration testing, Anti-malware software, Firewalls, User access levels, Passwords, Encryption, Physical security
Network Security
The purpose and functionality of operating systems, How Operating Systems Provide User interfaces, How Operating Systems Provide Memory management and multitasking, How Operating Systems Provide Peripheral management and drivers, How Operating Systems Provide User management, How Operating Systems Provide File management
Operating Systems
The purpose and functionality of utility software, Encryption software, Defragmentation Software, Data compression Software
Utility Software
Algorithms & Computational Thinking
Principles of computational thinking in terms of Abstraction Decomposition and Algorithmic thinking
Computational Thinking
Basic understanding of the machanics of the binary search and linear search algorithms (without knowledge of Big O time and space complexity)
Search Algorithms
Basic understanding of the machanics of the bubble sort algorithm (without knowledge of Big O time and space complexity)
Bubble Sort
Basic understanding of the machanics of the merge sort algorithm (without knowledge of Big O time and space complexity)
Merge Sort
Basic understanding of the machanics of the insertion sort algorithm (without knowledge of Big O time and space complexity)
Insertion Sort
Programming Theory
What variables are, the difference between variables and constants, what inputs and outputs are in programming
Inputs, Outputs, Variables & Constants
What sequencing is in programming and how its implemented, what selection is in programming and how its implemented, what iteration is in programming and how its implemented
Program Flow / Constructs
The need to declare and cast data types when programming, the appropriateness of the relative data types in given scenarios (Integer Real Boolean Character and string)
Data Types
Understanding of the common arithmetic operators, Understanding of The common Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT
What subroutines / subprograms are, the difference between procedures and functions
The use of basic file handling operations such as Open Read Write and Close
File Handling
The purpose of SQL, Basic use of SQL to search for data in a database
SQL & Databases
Defensive design considerations including Anticipating misuse and Authentication, Input validation, Maintainability (Use of sub programs Naming conventions Indentation Commenting)
Defensive Design
The purpose of testing, Types of testing (Iterative, Final/terminal), Syntax errors, Logic errors
Characteristics and purpose of different levels of programming language (High-level languages and Low-level languages), The purpose of translators, The characteristics of a compiler and an interpreter, Common tools and facilities available in an Integrated Development Environment (Editors Error diagnostics Run-time environment Translators)
Languages and IDEs
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