Hardware Lesson 2 – Main Task 2
1) Identify the computer hardware labelled ‘B’. 2) Provide an explanation of what the piece of hardware does in the computer.
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1) Identify the computer hardware labelled ‘B’. 2) Provide an explanation of what the piece of hardware does in the computer.
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1) Identify the computer hardware labelled ‘A’. 2) Provide an explanation of what the piece of hardware does in the computer.
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Explain the difference between an input device and an output device. Provide examples of input and output devices of a PC to support your work.
Hardware Lesson 1 – Main Task 3 Read More »
Explain how a washing machine can be considered to be a computer.
Hardware Lesson 1 – Main Task 2 Read More »
In your own words, explain what a computer is.
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