Python Continued Lesson 4 – Run
Now type the code into the IDE below and run the program to see the code’s output.
Python Continued Lesson 4 – Run Read More »
Now type the code into the IDE below and run the program to see the code’s output.
Python Continued Lesson 4 – Run Read More »
Study the code below: import time for x in range(10): print(10-x) time.sleep(1) print(“Blast Off!”)
Python Continued Lesson 4 – Predict Read More »
Create a program that takes a number and prints all even numbers from 2 up to and including that number if it’s even, using a while loop.
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Make 4 Read More »
Write a program that asks for a number and then counts down from that number to 1, printing each number on a new line.
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Make 3 Read More »
Create a program which asks for a number and then prints a 1, then a 2, then a 3 up to the inputted number.
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Make 2 Read More »
Write a program that continuously accepts integer values from the user and adds them to a total sum. The loop stops and the sum is printed when the user enters the value -1.
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Make 1 Read More »
Modify the code above so that it matches the code below: x = 0 total = 0 while x != 10: x = int(input(“Enter a number”)) total = x + total print(“Your final total is “, total) Below, explain what the code is doing and how it words line by line.
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Modify Read More »
Using the python IDE below, investigate the following and explain your findings in the text area below. 1. What happens if you remove int() from the input statement? Explain the result. 2. What happens if you replace the ‘!’ sign with another ‘=’ sign? Explain the result.
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Investigate Read More »
Now type the code into the IDE below and run the program to see the code’s output.
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Run Read More »
Study the code below: x = 0 while x != 10: x = int(input(“Enter a number: “)) print(“You found the stopping value!”)
Python Continued Lesson 3 – Predict Read More »