An Introduction to Programming With Scratch

Learning Missions

Mission 1 Predict What do you think the code will do? [1] Did your answer include the following points? Are you sure you want to submit your answer? You won’t be able to make changes afterward. Confirm Cancel Run Now log into your Scratch account, build the script and run the program (Scratch). Once done, […]

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Learning Missions

Mission 1 Predict What do you think the code will do? [1] Did your answer include the following points? Are you sure you want to submit your answer? You won’t be able to make changes afterward. Confirm Cancel Run Now log into your Scratch account, build the script and run the program (Scratch). Once done,

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Learning Missions

Mission 1 Predict What do you think the code will do? [1] Did your answer include the following points? Are you sure you want to submit your answer? You won’t be able to make changes afterward. Confirm Cancel Run Now log into your Scratch account, build the script and run the program (Scratch). Once done,

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Understand how to create a sprite Understand how to create a new background Understand how to move the sprite Understand how to input values into scratch Understand where our inputs are stored Understand how to output values onto the screen Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration What is Scratch?

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Reminder on how to input values into scratch Reminder on where inputs are stored Reminder on how to output values onto the screen Learn how to create a simple mood response program Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration Programming Decisions When our programs interact with user inputs, there may

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Reminder on how computers store data Reminder on how computers make decisions Understand how computers may use more than 1 variable Understand how operators work in scratch Understand how to create a simple adding calculator Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration The problem with only using the ANSWER variable

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Reminder on how computers store data Reminder on how computers make decisions Reminder on how computers may use more than 1 variable Reminder on how operators work in scratch Understand how flowcharts work Understand how to code a calculator Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration The Scratch Calculator Bringing

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