Binary Bits and Bobs

Learning Missions

Crack the Secret Coded Message! Mission 1 Firstly, convert each set of binary values to their associated ASCII characters, to form a word, which should then be entered in the relevant input box. [6] Did your answer include the following points? Are you sure you want to submit your answer? You won’t be able to

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Learning Missions

Mission 1 Convert each ‘Binary’ number below into Denary/Decimal. [6] Did your answer include the following points? Are you sure you want to submit your answer? You won’t be able to make changes afterward. Confirm Cancel Mission 2 Convert each ‘Decimal/Denary’ number below into 8-bit Binary. [6] Did your answer include the following points? Are

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Understand that sound is represented by binary numbers in a computer system Understand the process of sampling Understand that digital processing is the process of applying mathematical calculations on the binary values which represent the recorded sound Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration Introduction Analogue sound is pure and

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Understand the binary number system Understand why the binary system is important in computing Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration The Denary / Decimal Number System In the number system that we learnt in primary school and use each day, the number 10 means ‘ten’ because the digits mean

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Reminder on how the binary number system works Understand how to add binary number together Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration Introduction Adding binary numbers is much like adding denary numbers (the system we use as humans). Things to remember:   è Keep your numbers in the correct columns

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Reminder on how the binary number system works Understand that computers ONLY KNOW BINARY Understand that in a computer system, characters are represented by binary numbers Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed Exploration Introduction As we know, computers can only deal with 0s and 1s (binary). All data that it

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Concept Exploration

What you will learn: Reminder that everything thing the computer represents (numbers, characters, images, sound) is done so with binary Understand that bitmap images are made up of pixels Understand how binary is used to represent shades and colours of images – and therefore used to represent images Start Here: Video Overview Continue Here: Detailed

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